Album Review: Kickin’ Valentina – E.P.

Kickin Valentina EP [Autographed Copy]Kickin’ Valentina
Release Date: 2014
Highway 9 Records

What comes around goes around indeed. On this blog you hear me talking a lot about how the hard rock and metal sound of the bands from my youth seem to be coming back around in the cycle. Some bands seem to get it right and some bands seem to completely miss the mark. Pulling from bands such as Tora Tora, LA Guns, Rhino Bucket, Kickin’ Valentina not only got it right but they deliver good ol’ fashioned sleazy, southern hard rock n’ roll with the utmost sincerity and passion.

Right out the gates with “Get Ready” I found myself just totally digging the groove and the minute singer Joe Edwards opened his mouth I was hooked. That voice. Man, what a fucking powerful voice full of grit, southern drawl, and raw emotion. This is kind of music I really loved as a kid and these guys were nailing it for me. “Dirty Girl” was a little bit too juvenile for me to really get behind but again, these guys aren’t out to pique my brain here. Once I got over that, I found myself unable to get it out of my head and I enjoyed it for what it was. “Alone” proved to be the standout track for me with a catchy chorus that totally hooked me in and had me humming the melody in my head all day. A great song is a song that sticks with you even after hearing it only once and this song really is a great song.

Kickin’ Valentina’s debut EP is a non-stop hard rock machine that completely floored me with catchy songs, solid grooves, and a warm, classic sounding production that had me feeling like I was actually sitting in my bedroom in 1990 and totally grooving my ass off to this. This is just brainless, fun, balls to the wall hard rock and in all honesty this is a great thing. Sometimes life just gets a bit heavy so hearing a band that makes me not want to think but to slam some beers with friends and just have a good, sweaty time is a much welcomed thing.

One might here a band like Kickin’ Valentina and be quick to call them dated or “late to the party.” Well, you know what? That might true. Unfortunately Kickin’ Valentina is about 25 years too late but ya know what? It’s better late than never right? These guys are making the kind of music that they truly love and it shows so who cares if they may not make it big or be a huge name. They are sticking to their guns and not compromising who they are and what they do and for that I tip my hat to ‘em. Kickin’ Valentina’s heart is in the right place and they play music I loved as a kid. They tug at my heart’s nostalgic heartstrings and they make me smile and because of that have a fan in me.

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