Album Review: Bloody Pussy Guts – Fleshbled Humanicide In Demonic Possession

Bloody Pussy Guts - Photo
The Genius Himself

Bloody Pussy Guts – Fleshbled Humanicide In Demonic Possession
Release Date: Unfortunately this shit was released
Label: Big Ass Roll of Toilet Paper

Every now and then an album makes it’s way to my inbox that piques my interest; an album that is full of depth, passion, and a well produced, well thought out, and well executed album.  Well, this is definitely not the case with the latest release from Bloody Pussy Guts.  I know what you’re thinking.  You’re probably thinking to yourself, “But Brainfart, with a name like Bloody Pussy Guts, how bad can it be?”  Well, let me just say that this stuff is pretty much what my ass sounds like after a 2am dining experience at Waffle House.  Yeah, it’s that fucking bad.

According to the website for this band, Bloody Pussy Guts formed in Santa Maria, CA as one man band by fugitive/criminal musician Alexander Webb in early 2013.  Bloody Pussy Guts is a one man demonic death/grind from Santa Maria, CA.  He performs live drums/vocals to pre-recorded guitar/bass playing out through guitar cab and monitors.  In other words, it’s just one fucking braindead asshat making a bunch of fucking noise and calling it “art.”  “Fugitive/criminal musician?”  Yeah, it sure is a fucking crime that he be allowed within 1,000 feet of any musical instruments and recording equipment.  A crime indeed.


Anyone who can listen to this and actually find any kind of artistic merit to it just needs to go away and not be my friend ever again. I mean, are you fucking kidding me? This isn’t even death metal. Hell, at least I can appreciate the artistic and technical merit of death metal. This is just a spastic child off his meds and banging on shit in his parent’s garage. This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. It’s shit like this that is clogging the scene and keeping truly great and talented bands from being heard. This is pure shit that needs to be flushed down the drains never to be seen/heard again. There you go Bloody Pussy Guts. You wanted a quote, here, you can use that as your quote. This shit sucks.

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