2014: The Album by Album Challenge Review!

The Album by Album Challenge is something that really took on a life of it’s own. You guys and gals out there have responded to them with some great conversations and have expressed to me just how much you all have been enjoying them. Well, on my end, I can honestly say that I truly enjoy doing these through all the good and the bad. These challenges brought me closer to many artists while on the other end of the spectrum may have just confirmed to me why I didn’t listen to certain albums by a band. The highlights this year for me were discovering those first few very early Alice Cooper band albums. I also discovered what a monstrous set of albums Judas Priest put out early in their career and in all honesty found more love for those album that their more iconic metal releases.

If you missed any of these challenges this year they are all listed below. I have been getting countless requests to do these challenges for other bands so my line up for the Album by Album Challenges in 2015 is already shaping up. I’m so glad you all have enjoyed these challenges as much as you have and if you have a band you’d like to see me tackle, please hit me up. As long as it’s not Ghost I’m game.

The Album by Album Challenge: KISS (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: KISS (Part II)

The Album by Album Challenge: Rush (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: Rush (Part II)

The Album By Album Challenge: Poison

The Album By Album Challenge: W.A.S.P (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: W.A.S.P (Part II)

The Album by Album Challenge: Judas Priest (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: Judas Priest (Part II)

The Album by Album Challenge: AC/DC (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: AC/DC (Part II)

The Album by Album Challenge: Pantera

The Album by Album Challenge: Alice Cooper (Part I)

The Album by Album Challenge: Alice Cooper (Part II)

The Album by Album Challenge: Alice Cooper (Part III)

The Album by Album Challenge: Alice Cooper (Part IV)

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