Eight Years Ago Today, I Got Into a Fight with Former Skid Row Singer Sebastian Bach

Ok, so it wasn’t really a physical fight so to speak but it was still a fight… kind of.  I can’t believe that it’s already been eight years.  For those of you who are just showing up to this here blogesphere, let me fill you in a bit.  Back in 2016, this here blog was called The Great Southern Brainfart.  I was known as “The Brainfart” even though I never referred to myself as that but I guess it was appropriate.  Anyway, on April 28th of 2016, I attended a  show by former Skid Row vocalist Sebastian Bach at a venue called 37 Main in John’s Creek, GA (outside of Atlanta.)  I attended the show with my buddy Jacob and we both went into this unbiased and with open minds.  Well, the show was pretty fucking terrible.  Like, laughably, painfully terrible.  Plagued with a breaking, cracking voice and a God complex, Sebastian Bach put on a really underwhelming show as well as with a band that looked like they’d rather be any place then on stage with him.

Sebastian Bach Brings Santa Cruz, Pitchy Vocals, Spinal Tap Moments, and Much More to the ‘Burbs of Atlanta.

Like I do, I wrote a review of the show and was brutally honest like I usually am.  I posted it to my blog and then posted it to Facebook on May 3rd but I had no idea what would happen soon after.  Well, what happened was an epic war of words, insults, and name calling with Sebastian Bach himself.  I really had no idea it was even coming but he saw my review, read it, and then took it upon himself to rip into me.  Well, he had no idea who he was fucking with and I had nowhere to be so I just had fun with it.  All of this resulted in nationwide press from many media outlets and I even got called an asshole by the local radio dipshits during their dumb morning show on Rock 100.5.

After that moment, that was what I was known for.  Honestly, not my best moment and not what I really cared to be known as but hey, any press is good press.  I even went to see Prong that night and when I introduced myself to Tommy Victor, he says, “Dude.  Are you the guy that’s fighting with Sebastian Bach as we speak?”  Yeah, it was funny and honestly, it was fun.  It was my 48 hours of fame and it brought a lot of new readers to my site and to my other social platforms.  Since then, I actually grew up (a little) and my connection with Sebastian Bach has been broken since that fateful week.  It was fun to revisit these articles and remember that time when I was the biggest asshole in Sebastian Bach’s life.  After me, he would go on to fight with William Shatner but I’ll let him tell that story.

Here are some links for you to take that stroll down memory lane with me!

SEBASTIAN BACH Slams Writer Over Negative Concert Review: ‘Go F**k Yourself’

Metal Sucks
Sebastian Bach Goes Out of His Way to Call Attention to a Negative Review

Classic Rock & Culture
Sebastian Bach Gets Into Profanity-Laced Facebook Comments War With Blogger

Sebastian Bach Flips Out On Blogger Who Gives His Show A Bad Review

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