In 2017, legendary Grim Reaper vocalist Steve Grimmett underwent a partial leg amputation due to an infection in his foot while on tour. Grimmett’s wife Millie (who also managed his social media accounts) posted via his official Facebook page:
Not long after making this post, Millie provided updates on Grimmett’s condition, revealing that the first operation was unsuccessful and that he had returned to the operating room with the intent of amputating an unknown portion of his right leg. That summer, Grimmett would go on to actively perform live with Grim Reaper using a prosthetic leg and a cane. Grimmett didn’t let this injury get him down and would even make light of it but keeping Grim Reaper shirts in his prosthetic leg and then taking it off to throw shirts to the crowd. Grimmett’s health would continue to improve and according to Millie, even his mental health was an a high with him making lots of plans for Grim Reaper.
On Monday, August 15, 2022 legendary Grim Reaper vocalist Steve Grimmett passed away unexpectedly in his sleep. Following his death, Millie continued to post to Steve’s Facebook page and on 12/18, she posted that she was going to be auctioning off some of Steve Grimmett’s stage clothing and other memorabilia and accessories. Fans quickly began commenting about their interest in purchasing the items but Steve’s children from his previous marriage didn’t think this was a very thoughtful idea.
Steve’s daughter Sami Lea Drewitt replied to the post: “Me and Russ Grimmett (brother) should be the first to have been asked!. I wanted to make a blanket out of dad’s t/shirts. This is all we have left of him. We would both like first choice before shipping to strangers please!!!
I am not sure about the relationship between Steve’s kids and their stepmother but based on this post, I guess it’s safe to say that it wasn’t a very good one. Hopefully, Millie will do the right thing as Steve was very close with his kids up to the very end. I hate seeing things like this happen in people’s lives but I hope that there will be a resolution here for all.