Album Review: Evergrey – Glorious Collision

Everygrey – Glorious Collision
Release Date: February 22, 2011
Highlights: You, To Fit The Mold, The Phantom Letters, It Comes From Within, …And the Distance, Leave It Behind Us

European melodic prog metal seems to have made quite an impact on me these days and Sweden’s Evergrey is no exception to this.  Everygrey’s latest album “Glorious Collision” is a collection of some of the most melodic, beautiful metal I have laid my ears on in quite a while.  The older I get the less tolerant I get of these metal bands that are tuned down so low it sounds like a wall of rumble and vocals that sound like Cookie Monster on downers.  I never got the appeal of those bands when I was younger and even less now so to hear a band like Evergrey is refreshing.

“Glorious Collision” is  melting pot of everything I love about metal.  It has great guitar work, amazing production and guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Tom Englund has a voice that sounds like it leaped right off of an Yngwie Malmsteen record.  The songs are well crafted and full of depth and personality.  Songs like “You”, “To Fit The Mold” and “The Phantom Letters” exceed the expectations of a metal band in my opinion.  Too often are metal bands pinned with negative stereotypes.  It’s nice to see a band like Evergrey joining the ranks of bands like Iron Maiden and Dream Theater as a band that releases substantial music with well though out lyrics and music that pulls at the heartstrings.

Everygrey is a band that reminds me that heavy metal can be beautiful and that is nothing to be ashamed of.  “Glorious Collision” is definitely an album that lives up to it’s name.  It’s like being pelted by a sonic wall of heartfelt and soulful singing, thought provoking lyrics and an immaculate production that creates a listening experience.  “Glorious Collision” isn’t just an album you listen to.  This is an album you experience.  I found myself with the headphones on and allowing myself to drift and become part of the album.  Check this one out and allow yourself to let loose and let it take you away for just a bit.

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